Terms & Conditions of use for Langley Sports Bookings

1. Times

1.1. Booking times include all set-up and set-down time of equipment. Entry to the facilities is only permitted at the start time of the booking.

1.2. Off-Peak times are Weekends 12:00 – 18:00 only. All other times are Peak.


2.1. Cancellations/Rescheduling of a block booking must be made in writing via email or letter with 28 days or more notice given.

2.2. For cancellations made with less than 28 days’ notice the total hire fee is to be paid

2.3. For cancellations and/or reschedule with more than 28 days’ notice a £7 admin fee will be incurred by the hirer.


3.1. We reserve the right to cancel a booking at any time due to events beyond our control. We will try to give 28 days’ written notice but this may not always be possible in which case we will give you as much notice as practicable.

3.2. The hiring fees already paid in respect of a cancelled booking will be refunded

3.3. Where Absolutely Leisure Ltd cancels/re-schedules a booking, we shall not be liable to pay any compensation or be responsible for expenditure undertaken or loss incurred as a result of the cancellation.

4. Bookings

4.1. Once booked, the hirer cannot transfer the benefit of the facility to any other person or organisation without written permission from Absolutely Leisure staff

4.2. Only an authorised person may book on behalf of a club or other body.

4.3. Absolutely Leisure Ltd has the right to refuse the hirer to enter into a hire agreement for any reason

4.4. It is the hirer’s responsibility to check their booking and subscription for accuracy. Any amendments to a booking or subscription will incur a £7 admin charge

4.5. We reserve the right to refuse entry to our premises and/or to remove someone from the premises without giving a reason.

5. Payments

5.1. One off bookings require payment before the session time can be reserved.

5.2. We offer the following payment methods for subscription bookings:

  • Weekly Subscription – payments will be made weekly before the start of your session.
  • Payment in full – Payments are due on receipt of invoice.

5.3. Failure to pay your account on time will result in immediate cancellation of your booking. The person named on the contract will be held personally responsible for all monies owed, and will incur a £20 late payment fee

5.4. Please be aware that there may be some price changes for certain activities due to VAT regulations.


6.1. If the hirer is coaching or teaching adults or children, or is holding an event that the general public has access to, agree to take out insurance against the following:-
(i) Any loss, damage, demand or proceedings related to or connected with the hire of the facilities
(ii) Accidental bodily injury including death to third parties and further in respect of damage to their property – not less than £5 Million.

7. Safeguarding

7.1. You agree to comply with current national legislation and/or the relevant National Governing Body guidelines and procedures relevant for working with children or vulnerable adults during the hire period

7.2. Where facilities are hired for the purpose of entertaining children, the provisions of the Children and Young Persons Act 1933 shall be observed.

7.3. Under no circumstances are children to be permitted to leave the facility during the course of an event to gather or play in the vicinity of the premises or the car park area.

7.4. If teaching, coaching or holding an event with children under 18 years old or vulnerable adults you agree to provide Absolutely Leisure with a copy of the following documentation before your booking commences:
(i) Proof of existing DBS check
(ii) Child Protection Policy. (If you do not have a Company Child Protection Policy, you will be required to recognize the Absolutely Leisure Child Protection Policy and adhere to this.)
(iii) Teaching or Coaching Qualifications


8.1 The hirer shall pay the cost of making good any damage directly or indirectly as the result of the hiring or otherwise by the hirer or his or her group or club.

8.2 The hirer shall ensure the venue, including the changing accommodation, is left in a clean and tidy state.

8.3 If damage is caused to the facility or additional cleaning is required, Absolutely Leisure Ltd will recover the cost of rectifying or replacing the facilities to its former condition from the hirer.

8.4 Absolutely Leisure Ltd will not be responsible for any loss or damage to property suffered by anyone attending the premises, car parks, walkways and gardens.


9.1 No refreshments/alcohol of any description are to be brought onto site, unless agreed in writing by Absolutely Leisure managerial staff.

9.2 No portable cookers, catering equipment, or additional fittings are allowed on the premises without prior consent.


10.1 The hirer shall fully and effectively indemnify Absolutely Leisure Ltd against all proceedings, costs, claims, demands, expenses, and actions which may arise by any means directly or indirectly from the use of the property or the facilities by the hirer or his or her invites, club, company, or other body or organisation save in so far as such proceedings, claims demands, expenses, and actions through the negligence of Absolutely Leisure Ltd, it’s servants or agents.

10.2 Absolutely Leisure Ltd does not send out reminders to customers at the end of a block booking. Customers are advised to note the dates of the finish of their subscription and rebook as necessary, with as much advance notice as possible.

10.3 Absolutely Leisure Ltd reserves the right to vary the terms and conditions herein and to make such additional terms as it may in its absolute discretion deemed necessary. Any question arising as to the interpretation of the terms and conditions shall be interpreted by an appropriate manager of Absolutely Leisure Ltd whose discretion shall be final.